MGMT 612 Human Resource Management
Integration of human resource programs into organization strategy to support long-term competitive strategies. The emphasis is on human resource planning, attracting, selecting and retaining competent personnel, managing human resource flow, training and development, performance appraisal, employee welfare and compensation, labor relations, collective bargaining, discipline handling, and discipline resolution.
Units: 3
WHO NEEDS THIS COURSE? Graduate students:
This course may also be taken by
TIME INVESTMENT At least 3 hours/week for a period of 17 weeks |
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Perform the various functions of HRM that emphasize on the integration of Human Values with the organisation.
- Analyse the external and global environments relevant to HRM and understand its interrelatedness.
- Define, describe and analyse the current field of HRM, including the roles played by members of the HRM function in organizational-strategy formulation.
- Apply equal-employment opportunity laws and other regulations affecting the field of HRM.
- Undertake the functions of job design and job analysis.
- Create and apply work rules, policies, and procedures within a functioning organization, including grievance and progressive-discipline procedures and common union contract provisions.
- Apply HR planning, staffing, training and development, performance management, compensation, health and safety, and employee and labour relations strategies to business objectives in an apt scenario.
- Create healthy labour relations in organisations.
- Develop and recommend effective employee security and collective bargaining mechanisms.
Module 1 |
Introduction to Human Resource Management |
Module 2 |
Equal Opportunity and the Law |
Module 3 |
Strategic Human Resource Management Strategy and Analysis |
Module 4 |
Job Analysis and Talent Management |
Module 5 |
Personnel Planning and Recruiting |
Module 6 |
Employee Testing and Selection |
Module 7 |
Interviewing Candidates |
Module 8 |
Training and Developing Employees |
Module 9 |
Appraising and Managing Performance |
Module 10 |
Managing Careers and Fair Treatment |
Module 11 |
Establishing Strategic Pay Plans |
Module 12 |
Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives |
Module 13 |
Benefits and Services |
Module 14 |
Ethics, Justice and Fair Treatment |
Module 15 |
Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining |
Module 16 |
Employee Safety and Health |
Module 17 |
Managing Global Human Resources |
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Kepha Pondi, PhD Dr. Kepha Pondi is Assistant Professor in the Business Department at AIIAS. He is also the acting director of the Asian Pacific Research Center (APRC) and Chair of Ethics Review Board (ERB). Prior to joining AIIAS, he worked as the vice president of financial administration at the Adventist University of Africa (AUA) and financial administrator for various institutions in Africa for many years. |
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Kenneth Swansi, PhD Dr. Kenneth Swansi is an Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Business Department at AIIAS. He has been actively engaged in research more particularly in the field of Economics and Strategic Management. He has taught several business courses at various institutions for many years and mentored many young business professionals in their chosen business careers. |