
The philosophy of the Public Health Department is based on Christian biblical health principles. Humankind as whole beings with physical, emotional, social, ecological, and spiritual dimensions, are created and redeemed as whole persons. While scientific inquiry is important in achieving whole person’s health, the Public Health Department considers that health, disease, and healing dynamics are determined, to a large extent by adherence or non-adherence to God’s moral and natural laws. Redemption by Jesus Christ brings healing and transformation of lifestyles for longer and higher quality of life.


Develop leaders to serve and transform society through evidence-based public health practice and Bible-based lifestyle principles.


An internationally recognized model for Christian public health graduate education.

Professional Competencies

The MPH graduate:

  1. Addresses ecological determinants of health.
  2. Involves multi-sectors in health programs.
  3. Develops appropriate community based health improvement programs.
  4. Addresses health issues throughout the life cycle.
  5. Works together with the community in assessing, planning, developing, and evaluating health interventions.
  6. Applies theories and models in lifestyle improvement/health behavior change interventions.
  7. Prepares the community for environmental emergencies.
  8. Employs effective disaster management strategies.
  9. Conducts health research.
  10. Communicates effectively one to one and to the community.
  11. Uses mass media in health communications, and
  12. Wholistically integrates scientific knowledge and the Bible.
